Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So many little time

1.5 days until school is out for Winter Break!
4 days until Megan and Mishi fly in from California!!
6 more days until Christmas!!!

AAAaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is still so much I have to do!!!

Here is the good news, I have finished the doggy bandana's.  I have only taken a picture of the one I made for Megan's puppy Moosie.  Being a girl, I thought I would add a ruffle to the doggy collar!  They were all pretty easy to make, especially when I used the most helpful blog...
I mean, it is just an amazing blog, check it out! 
Now the ruffle will not be on there...I had to figure that out on my own.  I really need to get better at taking pics of my crafts.  Let me just tell you that when sewing on the ruffle make sure it is in between the 2 right sides of the fabric.  The first time I put it together, I put the ruffle along the wrong side of the when I went to flip it, the ruffle was then on the inside.  (Insert choice words here).  So, I took out the stitches and re-did it! 

I have had to take out the stitches more than I would like to admit!  But that also means that I'm pretty good at it by now.  Ha ha ha!  I can't wait for Moosie to arrive so that she can wear it!

Another little tip on sewing that I have just realized...the bobbin thread is what it is all about.  If that is in any way messed up...your project is going to take 16 times longer.  So, if it ever starts getting wonky...take it out and either re-roll it or toss it and start over.  I'm not sure which is easier.

I'm working my way down the list of crafts that I have to do.  I'm currently working on making picture coasters and pj pants.  I still would like to make a cork wreath, and I'm pretty sure that I saw an easy way to do it.  I was not really into drilling 2 holes into 30 corks.  With me that kind of spells disaster.  I also still have that dreaded ladder in the basement!  I love it, but I am intimidated by I keep putting it off.  Hopefully I will get to it this week, so that I can proudly show it off somewhere in the house.  Ha ha ha

A quick story...
I'm working with a bunch of kids right now.  And when you are working with them you aren't sure if they like you or just think you are this goofy "old" person.  But I try to be fun, approachable, but still stern.  Well last night I realized that the kids like me and feel as if I could help.  There is a gal who was feeling self conscience after doing the whole costume thing.  If you have never tried on costumes, it can be rough.  The costumer does not have time to tell you all the things you might need to hear.  It's that doesn't fit, that doesn't fit, you are too big for that, that outfit is too small, the top is too just end up feeling terrible about yourself, no matter what you are wearing.  So this gal, she came to me!  I felt so happy that she felt comfortable enough to come to me.  I felt so honored that I could help this gal and let you know that she is beautiful and that the costume issues have nothing to do with her or her figure.  They are just trying to make everyone look the best they can!  Her mom is also working on costumes, and that was hard on her too.  She was taking things personally when they weren't meant to be taken that way.  And as a kid of Stage Managers, I could relate.  I too, would take things personally.  I remember thinking...okay you might be mad at the stage managers, but you aren't allowed to say anything about cast mates...beacuse they are my parents!  It's a hard place to be in and you just have to tell yourself not to take it personally!  No one is meaning to hurt feelings.  Especially the feelings of a kid!  We talked it out and ended rehearsal on a total high!  That gal is crazy talented and I hope one day she will get to show the world just how talented she is!

Okay folks, Have a wonderful day and I will get back to you with more crafts, stories, and life!

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