Thursday, January 10, 2013

Am I just typing to avoid working? Maybe...

I really have nothing to write today.  But  I thought that other people who read this (my sister and possibly my friend Suzanne) might be bored and need something to read!  So, I'm here it's first thing in the morning and I don't want to do anything else!

On Tuesday I had a headache.  My headaches usually go like this...head kind of hurts, head is killing me, I feel sick!  It's probably technically a migrane...but I have never been tested so I will call it what ever I want too.  Ha ha ha!  These headaches used to come on slow, but lately they come out of the blue.  I'm sitting at my desk thinking about love or something and I sit still for a moment and wonder if that little bit of pain is a headache...and then BAM!  It's a full blown painful headache!  Then before I can even swallow the headache meds...I'm feeling sick!  Crazy right?  Here is the thing though...I have been going to a chiropractor for the last 2.5 months for some headache/neck issues.  So, I'm wondering if my recent headaches are from dehydration or the neck issues.  So, I am trying to drown myself in water and really making sure I don't do stupid things like wait to long to eat.  I'm also trying to relax my shoulders when I'm sitting at my desk (I just noticed that I was tense as a turtle (I'm not really sure if turtle's get tense...but I couldn't think of any other cute animals that started with T).
Here I am at work with my trusty water bottle not wanting to work!  Hee hee hee

Tuesday I had Middle school musical rehearsal and then CYT musical rehearsal after that.  Overall I had a great time!  The only issue I had was that I thought this certain group was the dancing group...and then there were girls who couldn't dance in that group.  So, needless to say I did not get as much taught as I wanted too...and I felt bad for that gal!  It will be fun to see how she improves over the next 2 months!  

The best thing about my Tuesday was that I got to see my boyfriend!!!  It sounds lame but it's a big deal in my little world.  Normal when we see each other I go to his place or he comes over to mine and we talk and watch a movie or TV.  We don't really do much else nor do we really go anywhere.  It might sound weird, but we are usually seeing each other after a full day of activities or really late in the evening...and we are both exhausted.  So, I went over to his place and he suggested that we go to QT and get some hot chocolate!  I was excited, because I also needed gas.  So, I got gas and we both went into the store together.  Got hot chocolate together, then he bought our stuff and we finished up with the gas and we got in the car and left.  It was awesome!  I mean, it was lame...but awesome!  We had never done that together before so I of course got all excited and told him that we just did something normal together!  It's like the one time we went to KenTacoHut and had dinner just the two of us.  Something so normal, but for us it's the first time...and I love it!  I told him that I will probably be saying things like that for the next year when we move in together and are doing normal stuff together.  Ha ha ha!  Love it!

Okay, here is my last issue...I am by no means fat...or even chunky.  But (stop rolling your eyes if you are) I have gained weight and now my jeans are a little too snug!  So, I'm going to try to eat healthy and try to excercise.  I don't really believe in dieting.  People hear that word and freak out!  So, I might start talking about that on here as well!  I would like to go all out and put my weight...but it's not really about weight as much as it is fitting into my clothes and feeling good about myself.  But I'm going to try!  Last night I slept really well, and I wonder if it's because I didn't have anything to eat after 8:30.  That might be something.  So I will keep you posted on what I'm doing (or not doing).  This morning I had hot chocolate (best choice...probably not...but it was cold out), for my snack I have cereal...the hard thing about today is that it's "Thursday Treat Day"!!!  Which can be hard to stay away from.  However I have heard it's not the best, so that makes it easier for me. we go with eating healthy...Wish me luck!

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