Thursday, January 17, 2013

One word

Quick update on my jinxed relationship:
Curt lost his wallet yesterday.  To say I was mad might be an understatement!  When he told me, I said okay...I'm going home.  Call me when you find it!  So, home I went.  He finally found his wallet at 8pm, which when he called I deemed to late to see him.  I might still have been mad that my date night did not happen.  Oh well, I got my laundry done (which I hadn't gotten to do the week before).  I finished watching a movie that I had to leave early on last week, and watched the end of the movie "Kick Ass"!  I do love that movie.  I ate a bowl of cereal and was pleased with myself for not going out and spending money when I wanted too.  I also watched an episode of Once Upon a Time with my parents whom I hadn't seen in 3 that was nice.  Then I went to be around 11:15 and slept really well.  So, overall it was not a complete waste of a just wasn't what I had planned!

A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of not having "New Years Resolutions" but to pick one word for the year to kind of live by.  There is actually a website that has activities you can do...but during the first year they randomly stopped sending me emails.  Maybe I wasn't responding like they wanted and they thought I was being annoyed by them...ha haha...I might have an issue with over thinking things.  So, my first word was "Flexible" and it had a double meaning.  I like to think of myself as a relatively calm person...but when plans change (for the not so better) I have a rough time with that.  I can become bratty and selfish.  So, I still need to work on that, but I don't want to have that word again.  Then last year, I did not pick a word because I forgot about it.  I had actually forgotten about it this year...until my friend Suzanne and my sister chose words.  My sister's word is Simplify which is an amazing word!  I tend to try some crazy difficult stuff or try to take on more than I need in truth I have been trying to simplify.  At this time, while I'm choreographing 2 shows and working 2 other jobs, I decided to take a break from singing at Church.  It was one way to simplify my week.  Great word Sarah!!!  Suzanne chose the word Expand!  It means To make larger. Undergo a continuous change- it is another great word!  I feel like my life is always changing and sometimes I don't change quite as well with it!  Both of these words are something that I could work on...but I'm going to let them have their own words!  Sarah and Suzanne- don't even say anything...if I didn't have a word in mind already I might have chosen your words.  I know that neither of you would care if I took your word.

Alright folks, the moment has come for me to reveal my New Years Word (it only took 3 weeks for me to think of something, ha ha ha)!  Here I go, my word is (if this were a tv show we would go to commercial break at this time...hee hee hee) Okay, I'm getting on with it:

I chose this word for several reasons.  The first being I want to be excited for things.  From my room being clean to watching my choreography come to life through the amazing kids I'm working with.  Last night, I should have been excited to have a night to myself, to relax, or to do laundry.  I need to stop thinking in negative way and start being excited about things.  For example, I'm trying out to be a chiefs cheerleader.  I'm very excited about it!  But I'm kind of excited to see whether or not I make it.  If I do, how exciting that I will go on a brand new adventure.  If I don't, how exciting that I will get to see what else God has in store for me!  I need and want to be excited for life!  I want to wake up and be excited that I'm going to work at 3 jobs...ha ha ha yikes! or getting to sleep in before meeting my family at church.  This being said, I know that I will have a grumpy day or two...but if you can train yourself to look at life (even the arguments) in a more positive much better could your life be!

Today's Question- (I might just call my question at the end...Suzanne's Question)
Suzanne's Question- What would your one word be?

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