Wednesday, September 4, 2013

No money...but there are things I want to buy...darn it!

So, I have no money!  I mean, I have a little bit of money...I have my cushion of $200- which I normally like it to be $300...but besides that...I have no money!  The past 6 weeks were a bit rough.  I spent money as if I was bringing in a regular pay check.  When in reality I wasn't bringing in any money!  Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration...I brought in about $250!  Remember that is over the course of 6 weeks!  But I was spending as if I was bringing in my normal $1200 a month!  I know, I'm not exactly rolling in the dough in the first place...ha ha ha- Don't go trying to rob me...the joke will be on you!

Anyway, I normally spend about $800 a month on my daily needs (food, rent, car stuff...blah blah blah).  Which leaves me about $100 to do whatever I want with!  Well, for the next few months that is not an option for me!  And that is kind of killing me!

I got an email today that said body forms for sewing are on sale for $99!!!!  They are normally $250!!!  I want to buy one, I mean that is an awesome sale!  I have been wanting one of these for years!  Do you know how hard it is to make clothes when the only dummy you have to try things on is yourself?  And it really makes you a dummy because you end up get the crap scratched out of you by the pins you pinned...and then it's too small and you practically cut your arm off to get out of the dress!  Not that this has happened to me (cough cough- darn candy corn dress) but it's annoying!  So, a dress form, especially a nice one like they are offering...the kind with adjustable measurements (so that you can make clothes that are really tailored for you)...I just want it!  But instead I have to be practical and say "Amy, a deal like this will come again!  For now, just wait and hold onto your money so that you can pay for things like food!  Or Bills!"  But that is so hard!  And I hate it!

I also got an email today for a store I love!  The clothes are cute, modern, funky...and not too teenager.  Does that make sense?  But once again I have no money!  The other issue with clothes is that I'm not happy with how I look right now, so what is the point of buy big clothes...that in a few weeks/months won't fit!  Okay, it's a little easier to say no to the clothes!  However, I still want to just buy something!  Yikes!

So, instead of actually buying something...I'm going to vent on here as too what I'm actually going to do (nothing) and what I want to do (everything)!

So, let's just do a count down of what I current owe-
1.  I put rent on the credit card.  I am still not super comfortable with it...but I am getting great reward points for it.
2.  My new glasses- $345- I'm having buyers guilt, but I have to remember that I would have had to go for a whole month with not being able to see!  But now that my month is almost over...I'm annoyed!  Ha ha ha
3.  My car payment- $810- $400 something from my issues in March and $300 something from last week!  AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!  So annoying, but hopefully I won't have to do anything for a while!  Or else, I might flip my lid!
4.  I owe my mom- $250- remember when I mentioned that I spent money as if I was making it?  I bought papmered chef, and a sky diving are not made of money!  However, going sky diving is something that I have wanted to do since I was in high school!  Some *cough cough* years ago.  Ha ha ha, just was 13 years!  Yikes!

So, I'm on a spending Hiatus for a while!  Once I do have money I should save it up for a wedding, house, future kids....or something more worth while then a new shirt.  The dress form would still be awesome!  Ha ha ha!  I also have some gift cards that I can bust out and use if I'm feeling the to spend!  The only thing will "need" to spend money on is getting my hair done!

I know, 1st world problems, getting my hair done!  But it's an issue, I will be getting engaged at some point over the next 6 months (if Curt knows whats good for him...ha ha ha) and I need to have my hair done for the pictures!  I have given up on the nails thing!  #1- I need my nails to grow a bit and to be strong #2- it's super pricey ($30-$40).  However, if a friend/sister would say let's get our nails done...I will think maybe they know something I don't...and probably do be damned!  Ha haha

Okay, I think it's time for me to go!  I'm off in la la engagement world...and that is never a good place to be!  So, here I go...back to reality...and my 12,000 jobs!  Okay, I only have 6...but here I go back to them!  Peace out and have a great day!

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