Monday, September 9, 2013

My workout weekend!

Um, can we talk about how I have worked out in some form or fashion every day for the past week. Last week I mentioned that I probably need to step it up a notch, and I kind of did that this weekend...but I'm still moving and feeling the burn!
On Saturday I woke up at 7am and went to the gym! I'm not always able to do this with 2 jobs on Saturday, but I loved it! It started off my day in the best way! 7am is my natural wake up time. Chan, was crying to be taken out and by the time I was done with his 7 min walk, I decided that I should get my excercise in!

Here is the workout I did on Saturday!

Let me tell you, I'm so thankful that no one was in the gym with me. Ha ha ha! The first thing is to run on the treadmill for 5 min at 6 mph. Well, I did that for about 2 min before I couldn't breath...and I was about to fall off the machine. So, I toned down the MPH! But I'm sure it was hysterical! The bike was also a little crazy for me, I tried do have a resistance of 10-15...but I could hardly move my legs! So, I brought that down from 13 to 5! Ha ha ha! I did love the arm workout...and the ab circut was great too...except that every time I would do a sit up my skin hitting the floor sounded a little like farting. Ha ha ha...once again, I'm glad no one was there!

I was hard on myself for about 1 min, before I said...Hey you are up you are doing are doing the best that you can! Then I was finished the workout with a smile!

I went rehearsal in the morning, then to a wedding that day and ate a very yummy salad (there was a time between rehearsal and the wedding where I was I ate half a candy bar...wah wah)! It had strawberries and pinapple as well as lettuce! Yummy! Then that night I went and ate bar food! Hot wings and sweet potatoe fries (which were amazing!!!)! Overall I felt great about the day!

On Sunday, I went to Church, hung out at my folks, watched the Chiefs game, made a yarn wreath (pics later), and then ate a cheese and enchilada dinner! After that I was trying to do some workouts...but I would do the first excercise and when I would move on to the second seemed a little too hard! Ha ha ha!
Yes, people...there are excercies that I did not want to do!!! They were gross and seemed like too much (I was a little sore from the crazy Saturday workout). So, I kept switching it up. I'm pretty sure that I was just being lazy...but I did keep moving! That counts for something right? Then my friend, Annie, came over to my folks house to show us her Jazz one warm up. Sarah and I got up to do it with her and as silly as it sounds it was a nice little workout! I did not eat a dessert last night...even though when I got home my stomach that candy bar! Yahoo, score for me!

Annie and Sarah were talking about a cycling. Annie was also going to be attending a class in the morning (and she is fit and looks AMAZING), so I got motivated once again and woke up this morning at 5:10 and went to my apartment gym and cycled! 
 I did this workout

I couldn't do all of it, because I ran out of time...but I was sweating up a storm! I also had to modify it...since my endurance for bike riding is terrible! But I still feel great because I got up and did something! And now, I don't have to do anything tonight! Yahoo!!! That is the real win! Ha ha ha! I will say going to the gym at 5am is a little weird. I got there, the lights were already on, the tv was already on, and the remote was on the bike I was going to use! Needless to say my imagination was going nuts! Ha ha ha! But, nothing happened...I didn't even see anyone to make me nervous! Oh dear, I'm a dork!

Happy Monday folks!

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