Monday, September 2, 2013

My workout plan!

This morning I woke up hungry.  I didn't want to get up yet since it's my first day to sleep in for a few weeks.  So instead I sat there starving, until I remembered the half eaten Butterfinger bar that was sitting on my night stand.  I ate it, and felt better for about 30 secs.  Then I felt terrible, because yesterday I thought...I'm going to start fresh tomorrow!  I will eat healthy blah blah blah! 

My first thought was to start tomorrow.  I mean, it's a holiday and we are all bringing food to a family gathering!  So, really what is the point?  But then I thought...what if I just workout today.  Then I won't feel as bad if I eat something I shouldn't.  Then I thought, I need a plan for the whole month! 

So,  I thought I should get a schedule together for myself!  And then I thought, I could totally share it with you guys!  Here is what I'm thinking!

5 out of 7 days I will pick and target a certain zone (i.e. Legs, butt, abs, back, and arms).  On day 6 out of 7, I will do a cardio workout!  I'm thinking that seems like a totally do-able thing.  It's not saying that I have to go to the gym every day which right now with my schedule is not possible unless I wake up at 4:30...but being out until at least 10pm at nights, that does not sound fun or smart for me to do!  So, I'm going to see how it goes! 

If you want to join me, that is awesome! If not, no biggie!

So, yesterday I weighed myself.  I weighed in at 146!  I figure I have about 30 days until I will really need to fit into my jeans and other pants!  So that means that the month of September is going to be a get fit habit kind of month!  Let's see how it goes!

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