Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pick your battles wisely...

I have 2 things to talk about today:

1.  My car- so I took it in yesterday.  They got it looked at and the DTFE Sensor needs to be replaced.  It is going to cost me $250.  Then with the oil change it will be a total of $290ish.  I know I should be thankful that it's nothing more than that.  But I can't help but tear up at the moment.  It's just always one thing after another.  I feel as if I can't ever catch a break!  I guess that is why I'm working so hard.  So that I know, okay I can pay that $250.  But it's hard because that $250 should be going somewhere else.  It should be going to fun stuff or savings...and right now it can't!  It just sucks!  I just want to scream and shout and throw something, but I can't because I'm at school!  It's just SO FRUSTERATING!!!  I told the guy who called me, I said if I didn't know you, I would think that you all fix things just enough for me to wait a while before something else breaks.  I said, I know you don't do that, but that is how it feels.  ARG!

Moving on...

2.  Yesterday I got pulled over.  Let me set up this situation...I was at my school until 6:45 helping out with the musical.  At 7:00 I had to be at my church to rehearse for Sunday's church service.  We have a new music minister, so I wanted to be on time and prompt.  I should have left school a little earlier, but I was trying to be helpful.  I pull out of my school, I call Curt.  We always call when we are leaving work.  I pull up to the stop sign.  I stop.  I see that if I don't go right now, I will have to wait for 3 cars.  So, I pull out and I start driving.  I see that I'm getting pulled over and I tell Curt, I'm getting pulled over, but I have no idea why.  Here is my conversation with the Police Officer.
P.O.- Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me- Actually I don't, I even said to the phone call- I'm getting pulled over and don't know why.
P.O.- Were you aware that you did not make a complete stop at the stop sign?  Most people learn to stop when they find out the ticket is $175.
Me- I am so sorry.  I thought I stopped at the stop sign.  I also did not know about the ticket price.  But regardless of the price I stop at stop signs.  I apologize, I really thought I would stop.
P.O.- I ride a motorcycle and have almost been hit by people who didn't stop at a stop sign.  I also see that you were on your cell phone, maybe not paying attention.
Me- (light goes on in my head- is he pulling me over because I didn't stop of because he was mad that I was on my cell phone).  Once again, I'm so sorry.  I really did think I stopped.  I will be more careful at stop signs.
P.O.- (He takes my DL and see's that I have no traffic violations, he comes back)- Make sure you stop at stop signs or you will get a ticket.
Me- Thank you and I will.
P.O.- A good rule of thumb is to say is there a truck coming?  Is there a car coming?  Is there a motorcycle coming? (Along with these words he is looking both directions for each question).
Me- Nodding, that is a good rule.  Thanks again and I'm sorry for not stopping.  (I knew to just keep my mouth shut and be thankful that I did not get a ticket).

As I drove away, I was so annoyed.  I was thinking back to my stop.  Okay, it might have been a rolling stop.  When you pull up to this stop sign you can see for miles.  So, I knew no one was coming.  And I know I at least slowed down to an almost complete stop, because I do it every day.  And there was traffic.  But fine, I will go with a rolling stop.  I pulled up to a stop sign 10 min later and did his 3 questions.  It takes so long.  If I were behind someone who stopped for that long I would probably honk at them.  Making sure they knew it was there turn.  If I pulled up to a 4 way stop and someone across the way was asking themselves the 3 questions, I would probably think they were giving me the right away.  I just honestly felt, that he didn't think I was paying attention because I was on my cell phone.  I was in a rental car, and the gas and brakes on a 2009 Lincoln compared to my 2002 Taurus is crazy different.  I'm sure it looked like I peeled out of the side street onto the main street.

Then at 10min after 7pm, I get a call from Wisdom (the new music guy at church) asking if I forgot about rehearsal.  I said no, I was going to be on time, but I got pulled over.  He was very nice and even sent me a a really nice email after rehearsal (not about me getting pulled over) but about what a great rehearsal it was.

On a good note about yesterday, before you think I am just in the worst mood ever!!!
1.  We were singing at church and I was belting some pretty high notes!  And Wisdom said, really can get up there!  So that made me feel great!  The whole rehearsal was not that smooth.  I was trying to learn harmony and for people who can harmonize they don't understand why people don't learn harmony right away.  Everyone was very nice, but I was embarassed.

2.  When I got home (at 9:00pm) Curt's friends were over.  I sat out with them and talked.  They are always so ligh hearted and make me laugh.  We were talking about weddings, which made me laugh.  One of the guys, Robert, has gone to so many weddings this year.  A lot of their high school friends are starting to get married right now.  It just made me laugh at what they were saying was awesome and what was not cool!  We are all going to a wedding in 2 weeks and it should be interesting.  I will be the only girl in this group of guys.  I'm excited!  Anyway, that was another fun way to end the evening.

Okay, so there is my craziness of the last 2 days.  I will pick my car up today on my lunch break and pay the crazy amount and suck it up and once again say..."At least I don't have to get a new car!"  Alright, peace out for today folks!

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