Monday, March 10, 2014

I love Great Theatre!

This weekend I saw some theatre!  Lucky for me, it was Awesome Theatre!  Which does not always happen with community theatre.  I will admit, that Kansas Community Theatre is actually pretty good theatre, but some are better than others.

On Saturday afternoon I saw Rockhurst High School's rendition of Drowsy Chaperone!  First off, that is such a funny show.  Sarah, said it perfectly, you feel like you are hanging out with the Man in the Chair.  Something happens to him and you just giggle as if you were there.  So, funny!  Or as if you are in on the secret with him.  I have seen this show once before when my dad was in it.  It was so good, but then I thought the Man in the Chair died.  I shared this with Sarah, and then we just started laughing.  We laughed so hard that I started tearing up!  Holy Moly!  Then for the bows...the audience lights came I'm standing there wiping my tears and they can all see me!  Oh dear!  Ha ha ha!!!

The other cool thing I found out was that they still dance on the stage after the shows!  To the same song that I danced too back in 1996 when I did my first show at Rockhurst!  Love, love, love!

Saturday night, I was able to see OCTA's rendition of Little Women!  WOW!!!  It was the first time I had seen the show.  I'm not sure if it meant more to me because I am one of 4 sisters!  But it was just an awesome show!  The music was great!  Even the solo's were more up-tempo!  I didn't really think there were any ballads.  Then there was one moment, where Lauri (the neighbor) came over and the 4 sisters declared him to be one of them!  And it just brought me back to when Sarah started dating Mike!  I was 13, Megan was 9, and Dana was 7.  I mean, Mike is brother to me in all sense of the word.  I mean, minus the getting beat up on in the younger years.  So, in reality, Mike was better than a brother!  Ha ha ha!  I just kept seeing all of my sisters and I throughout the whole show!  I kept trying to figure out which sister was was a little rough!  Then in Act 2- I just bawled!  I mean (spoiler alert) Beth dies!  And the song she sings before it was just beautiful!

I can not speak highly enough of the show, the actors in the show, and just everything about it!  If you get a chance to see it, I highly recommend it!

The last show I saw, was my cousin in his Disney show!  He is going down to dance at Walt Disney World over Spring Break.  He has just become such an amazing dancer!  It has been so much fun to watch him!  Sometimes I even hate him, because he is that good!  When I say hate, I don't mean hate hate...just a loving way!  Ha ha ha!  Watching him I leaned over to Curt and said- I want our future kids to take gymnastics!  I want them to dance, flip, sing, play sports...just be super well rounded!  We shall see what they want to do and what they don't want to do!

Okay- that is all for today!  Peace out folks!

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