Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breakfast Issue

So, this morning I was getting ready and I thought I will make myself an egg mcmuffin sandwich!  I have english muffins and I have eggs!  This is going to be good!  So, I make it and I am heading out to my car.  I get in my car and start driving to work.  I put my sandwich down hold my milk while I go over the speed bumps.  I'm heading towards a stop sign and I come to a complete stop and my sandwich slides off the plate and onto the floor!  The sandwich seperates into multiple pieces even though it should only be in 3 pieces.  I pick it up and it's just covered in dirt.  I'm so sad!  I try to brush it off and some of it actually comes off.  I think, okay...I'm starving I think I got all of the rocks and dirt...so I take a bite.  And the bit is crunchy!  I about throw it up in my car...and then am so mad because my sandwich is ruined!  Thank goodness I have yogurt at school.  However, I was not hungry after eating a bite of my dirt sandwich.  I'm not particularly proud of trying to eat it, but I was hungry and I try not to think about germs and that type of stuff!  However, the crunchy sand feeling...I was not able to handle!

On another note, my sister Megan comes into town on Thursday!  It's so soon!  Today I'm trying to decide if I should go into Ford or just stay home and work on some crafts that I have to finish by this weekend.  Decisions decisions!  It's a matter of working for a few hours...on one hand...it will be another $30.  But is it worth it in gas to go out there.  Another thing, it's right by a fabric store, which I was wanting to make something for me...since I decided to give all of the things I have made away!  Ha ha ha...and I want one for myself!  So, it's another little added bonus if I would go to work!  I just can't decide!  I guess I will see how hungry I am by this afternoon!

Other fun things that are happening...Megan comes into town!  Our engagement party is this weekend!  Dana comes into town on Sunday!  And then it's dress shopping time for me!  So, when I scheduled my appointments- I asked 2 of the stores if they had a certain dress.  At the time (February) they said no.  I'm thinking I should call them again and see if they have it.  So here we go!  I'm so nervous!  I just want to be able to try this dress on.  I mean I love how it looks on the model...but what if it looks awful on me.  If I can at least see it, then I can move on and figure out what I want.  If not, I'm afraid that I will always wonder.  Darn me and my mind!  Okay, so I'm going to make the call...first I'm going to call Ida's.  She said she has some of the dresses but not all of them.  I'm on hold now to see if they have the one I want!  Fingers crossed!  Waiting...waiting...had to give her the style number.  Waiting...waiting...this is killing me.  Why am I so nervous.  Ha ha ha, I'm a dork!  They don't have it!  Wah Wah...Natalie M...you are my only hope!  Just kidding...so dramatic!  Okay, so Natalie M does not open for another 20 min.  Ha ha ha!

Okay, I guess that is all for today!  Everyone have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday!

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