Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh stuff

So, the first official rent check is due!  I'm a little nervous...and excited as well!  It's a bit crazy!  I have been paying off my bills for so long that the thought of putting so much money into something other than just nuts!  I still have $1300 left to pay off on the car!  I want to make big payment chunks on it...but other things keep coming up!  Like Skydiving...but that is another story!  So, wish me luck on Monday!!!

On another note!  My dad, brother-in-law and myself will be going sky diving!!!  We bought the groupon and now we need to pick a date!  There will also be a movie expense of $ the money is going out faster than it's coming in!  Lucky for me I'm working like a crazy person this summer!  I will tell you more, once I know more!

July is going to fly away as fast as June has flown!  My summer camp Stageworx is performing their show on July 17th and 18th!  Then it's off to the lake with STAMP!  Then it's hanging at the lake with the Alderman's, then it's off to Indiana for an Arnott Family Reunion!  We get back on Sunday and I will be back at school on that next Tuesday!  I can't believe it!  My goal is to just enjoy every single day and enjoy the weather and the people and just everything!

I have been so crafty lately...I will have to get my act together to show you all what I have done!   I have really tried to make my summer pretty crafty!  I promise that I will show all of my crafts to you all!  Or to just Megan...who might be my only reader!  Ha ha ha!  Hey Megan!  Okay, I'm out to go out to lunch and to begin my Saturday fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a reader of your blog too! :) I wish you would post some pics of your crafts! I miss you Amy but know that it's good to move on. You were just so fun to live with! :) Love you Kiddo! :) MOM
