Friday, June 21, 2013

My big giant crafty ideas!!!

Once again I'm on a craft kick!  There is so much I want to do and create!  Here is my list:

- Black out curtains for the bedroom!  Waking up at 6am because it's light outside is pretty crappy on your days off!
- A canvas painting for the bathroom!  It doesn't seem to be all that hard, just a bit time consuming...and trying to figure it out is a bit rough.
- A canvas painting for somewhere in the house.  This one should be easier since it's only tape and spray paint.
- A curtain for the book case.
- Curtains for my mom!  I'm so behind on those!  I need to get her 4th of July ones before it's actually the 4th of July!
- A 4th of July door decoration!  It uses sticks, I'm just trying to figure out how to hook them together! 

I think that is everything...or at least every thing I can think of at the moment!  Most of it doesn't seem that hard...once again just time consuming and thought consuming!  I would also like to go to the pool to get some what of a tan!  I'm super white...and not the pretty Nicole Kidman kind of white.  Ha ha ha!

I am going to try my hardest to take pictures so that if it turns out amazingly...I can post it and be proud!  Here is too being crafty! 

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