Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sometimes things work out...

Everyone let's take a collective sigh...sometimes things do work out...let's go back a little in time so you can understand this sigh...and actually sigh with me.

I sometimes think that fate is against my boyfriend and myself.  Here is why, there have been many a time when I have been totally free and he has been busy.  Or I'm busy and he is free.  He will be free 2 nights in a row we won't hang out the first night...because we have the 2nd night to hang out...but then he or myself get sick.  It never fails...something weird always happens to prevent us from seeing each other. 

That being said, I thought all was going to come together for Christmas this year.  As of August, Curt's parents were going to be moving to the Lake (a couple hours away), we weren't sure if Curt would have off work...even though Tuesday is one of his days off, my sister and BiL were coming into town...and everyone was going to get to celebrate as a family on Christmas morning.  It would be the first time that Curt would be there for the Christmas morning part!  Which if you have ever opened presents with little kids, you know how cool it is.   So I wanted Curt to be there and watch my nephews and niece.  And it was looking that way (we were even pretty sure that he wasn't going to have to work).

Then comes a couple of weeks ago.  He tells me that his family might be celebrating on the 25th or the 26th.  They weren't sure yet.  His parents have not moved as of yet.  Their celebration means they drive 2 hours away to hang out with the family (a.k.a. no seeing him on Christmas).  The conversation might have kept going except for the fact that I went into tantrum mode.  I was in the middle of a pity party when I stopped and said "Maybe you can talk to your dad (who is the 2nd person in charge of the family) and tell him that my family is celebrating on the 25th and could they celebrate on the 26th?  I was answered with a growl of an answer...

To make a long silly story short...there were a few fights, hurt feelings, and some anger for about 4 days.  We are not really the type to stay angry for longer than a few minutes if you are Curt and a few hours if you are me.  But with our crazy schedules never matching up...we did not get to talk for 4 days.  Once we did finally talk, we were able to get our point across, apologize for what we said and how we made the other feel, and realize that this one day is not a make it or break it situation!

Skipping forward to a this past Sunday.  Curt tells me that his extended family is going to celebrate on the 18th!  The week before Christmas.  On one hand, I'm still a little bummed because I love his family and would like to celebrate with them as well, but I work at a school and am not able to go.  But on the other he is able to do the whole Christmas morning thing with my family!!!  I can't believe it worked out in our favor.  Maybe fate is finally catching on that no matter what, we are going to be together!  I did learn to not freak out and get crazy selfish before talking it through.  Curt learned that he can't come up with a plan in his head and expect me to get it, I need to talk it out.  We both learned that we can conquor anything when we talk it out and work together.  Can anyone else see the cheesy lifetime movie coming out of this post?  Ha ha ha...

Now everyone can take a huge sigh with me!  Chirstmas sadness was avoided!

In my perfect Christmas world here is how the schedule of Christmas day would go...
Chrismtas morning- Curt spends the night...not with me but in my room while I bunk with my sister.  Just like old times right?
Christmas at the Arnott's
Christmas lunch with Curt's family
Christmas evening at my Aunt's House

To be honest this schedule is not all that far from reality!

Wow, an entire post with out talking about crafts.  I have kept busy and will have to catch you up later!  But for today this was a great post!

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