Monday, December 17, 2012

From Debbie Downer to So So Susan...but I'm rising up!

Wah Wah...I think I have the Monday Blues!  I'm not sure if it's because it is Monday or if it's because I have not seen my boyfriend in a few days, or because of money...or because of the events of Friday and being back at work (a school) are just too much even for me!  Who knows?

The point that today I'm feeling a little wah wah!  I don't enjoy this feeling, especially around the holiday's.  I had a great weekend!  I spent Saturday with my nephews and niece and had an amazing time!  On Sunday I went shopping!  I only have one more present to buy then I'm done!  So, maybe it's the money that is stressing me out.  My boyfriend is going out of town starting today until Wednesday afternoon for his extended family's Christmas!  I am not able to go because of work, late notice, and black out dates for the school.  So, that means that I will not see him until Wed. 

So, there are plenty of reasons as too why I'm feeling down.  But the real question do I get back to feeling up?  I mean...not even a reese's Peanut butter cup from my secret snowman (gift exchange at school) could bring me up!  I will really have to think and try to figure out how to get out of this slump and back into my holiday happiness!

Even though I'm feeling a little down, that doesn't mean that this post has to be down!  So here goes...step one with "Operation Lift Amy's Mood" (pictures to follow)

1. The crafts we made this weekend!
We finger painted then put Cut outs of Christmas tree's over it!  My 2 nephews went a little nuts and their picture was wet for like 6 hours...ha ha ha!  My niece wasn't sure she liked finger painting, but hers was very artistic...if only she would have done the whole page instead of just half!  But it was amazing none the less!
2.  We made snowglobes!  I have learned one thing with this project.  Don't put so much crap into the jar!  This was totally my fault.  They wanted more glitter, I said okay to more glitter.  They wanted a person, a tree, and a deer...I said okay to all three!  Moderation is the key to a good snowglobe.  Lesson learned...but they kids had a great time!  Oh, and the glue was smelly.  I might try a glue gun next time!
3.  We took pictures with some fake snow!  The kids were great!  Our family is so into pictures that they are becoming quite the picture posers.  I printed those off and am making coasters.  I thought about the kids helping with that...but thought they did enough with the other crafts!
4.  We also enjoyed 2 movies.  We watched The Santa Clause which is just an amazing movie with Tim Allen!  Nicely done movie makers.  Then Toy Story 2 was on when we were about to eat.  So, out came the picnic blanket and they ate in front of the TV (while I did the coasters)!

Over all it was an amazing day that I hope will continue for years and years.  I'm not sure what happens when I have kids...but I guess we all just have a great day.  I shouldn't worry about that any way...I'm not even married.  Ha ha ha...

Here is a funny conversation that happened on the way to pick up the pizza...
Me: Hello Chandler, you are being such a good baby! (Yes, I took 3 kids ages 5 and under and my dog to get pizza)
Abby (2): Chandler's your baby?
Me: Yes, Chandler's my baby!
Abby (2): Chandler's your baby? (now just repeat this every 45 secs or so)
Luke (5): Chandler is my brother from another mother.  (Luke's dog and my dog are brothers, so sometimes when we are around Luke for long periods of time...he calls Chandler his brother as well).
I started laughing at Luke, because that was so random and hysterical.  He repeated it 3 more times.
Meanwhile Ryan is talking to Abby and me
Ryan (3): Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog!

Here is how it went without all the explanation:
M- Hello Chandler, you are being such a good baby!
A- Chandler is your baby?
L- Chandler is my brother from another mother
M- Yes, Abby- bwahahahaha Luke
A- Chandler is your baby
R- Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog
M- Yes, Abby
A- Chandler is your baby?
R- Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog!

Anyway, little people make me giggle!  I love them so much!!!

So, my craft list went down a few things with the Aunt Amy HoliDay of Fun, but I still have a ton to do!  I guess if I don't get it all finished it's not the end of the world...who am I would totally suck!  Ha ha ha, just kidding!!!  Here is my super long to do craft list (this doesn't include the party that we are hosting on Friday)
1. Christmas Dog Scarves
2. Cork Wreath
3. Ladder
4. Joy Cans
5. Finish Coasters
6. Photo Props
7. Pajama Pants

Not anything too hard...if my sewing machine works like it should, it would be pretty smooth sailing!  I guess you will have to check back in to see!

p.s. Writing this help to bring up my spirits a little bit!  Yay!

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