Monday, December 3, 2012

It's December!!!

It is finally December the month I've been waiting for!!!!  I'm so excited for everything during this month!!!
The weather
All of the holiday cheer!
All of the crafts!!
All of the family stuff!!!
The coming of Jesus!!!!

So this past weekend was great!  For the first time since school began I was able to go straight home on Friday.  Have I mentioned yet that I'm a bit of a workaholic?  I don't like to be...nor do I want to be.  But my thoughts are sometimes consumed with needing to pay off my bills.  After that happens I will might become consumed with saving for a wedding or a down payment on a house. long term plan is to be done working like a mad women by June of 2014.  So, I have about another year of craziness!  But it will all work out in the end!!!

Back to this weekend!  I went home on Friday and I got to crafting!  My pinterest projects are starting to rock!!!  My folks received this large out door vase from my grandmother when she moved into a nursing home.  I had told them to spray paint it...and they did!  So, then I decoratted it with ornaments and Christmas sticks with glitter stuff.  This weekend my dad and I added lights to the vase and a ribbon around the outside.  I don't have a picture of it, but I will post one shortly.

The Christmas sticks are stuck into garden foam.  I kept the plastic wrap on them so that they don't get totally ruined in the rain or snow.  Then we put news paper in a plastic bag to build up the bottom and sides so that they ornaments can sit up higher!  It looks so pretty during the day and like a vase of lights at night!   I love it!!!

Besides the lit up vase, my dad put up the Christmas lights!!!  I helped get the wreaths ready and held the ladder while he hung them.  In our entry way we added garland and lights as well as a tapestry with the beginning of "The Night Before Christmas".  I had to add the lights to one of the garlands, and while that was happening, my dog got all tangled in the lights.  Crazy Dog!
Okay, so he did not get all tangled in the lights.  I wrapped him up!  But he sat there for a small photo shoot!  And for all of those who think I'm torturing my puppy, he was paid beautifully for this photo shoot with treats and a ton of attention!  This is my baby!!!

My parents have been looking for some type of Christmas candle thing to take the place of their non Christmas candles on the mantel.  Lucky for them, I had a suggestion!
Ta Da!!!  It's a wine glass turned upside down (from the dollar's actually a really nice glass).  I found a little decorated pine cone thing at the dollar store (2 for a dollar) and then the candy canes were at the dollar store as well! 
Things you need:
Wine Glass ($1)
Something to put in the wineglass (2 for a $1)
Candy Cane (3 boxes/ $1 each)
Rubber Band
1. Remove any wrapping that you want too.  I took the wrapping off the candle, but not off of the candy canes.
2.  Put a rubber band around the candle
3. Put the candy canes around the candle.  The rubber band will help hold them in place.  You can also glue them to the candle, but I will probably want to use the candle at a later date.
4. Put as many candy canes as you want.  I put enough to cover 3/4 of the candle.
5. Cover the rubber band with a ribbon color of your choice.  I taped the ribbon together in the back.
6. Put your wineglass decoration into the wine glass.
7. Place wine glass upside down with decoration inside of it and place your candy cane candle on top of it.
Side note:  If I were to do this again, I would buy a taller candle.  So that you can see the candle over the candy canes.  I have also see this done as a center piece with a large 3 wick candle (it was not on a wine glass).
After crafting a bit on Sunday, my brother-in-law Mike, Sister Dana (not the married one), and myself took my nephews and niece on a carriage ride through the neighborhood!  It's the second year in a row that I am getting to go with these kids!!!  I love them!!!

The flash was a little bright for these little ones!

Sweet little guy! 
Notice how no one is wearing any coats.  Yes, ladies and gentleman it's December 2nd and it was 65 degrees. 
More crafts and fun times are coming for the month of December!  Stay posted! 

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