Saturday, February 15, 2014

A little rant on working I go...AGAIN!

Alright, so I have been eating like crap and not drinking any water...which means that I get dehydration headaches all the time!  Which means that I eat a lot of unhealthy food to try and get my headaches to go away faster!  Which doesn't really work, but it at least makes me feel better.  When actually if I just drank more water, I wouldn't be dehydrated in the first place!  So annoying!  I will say that it's hard to drink so much water when it's -6 outside.  But that is no excuse!  Once I get back into the habit, it will be better!

Here is a fear of mine, that I will gain a ton of weight and then either have to lose it for the wedding or be a chunky bride!  I know that I have talked about this before...but it's still annoying!

I can't decide if I want to get a workout buddy...someone who will literally work out with me or that I can call every day and say...have you worked out?  Or just go it alone...I don't really have a set schedule that I can say every day at 6pm let's workout.  I used to send out an email, but no one would really it was basically just me.  Ha ha ha!  I had a few people respond, but I would like more motivational help for myself!

I have 6 weeks and 3 days before I go wedding dress shopping!  I would like to feel good when I go!  Right now I feel kind of like I'm pregnant!  Which is never fun, unless you are pregnant.  And it starts getting a little sad when you are sort of hoping that you are pregnant so that the stomach you have developed is not your fault!  Ha ha ha...or boo hoo hoo!  Just kidding!

I have 14 months to get into great shape!  I'm not saying that I want to weigh 110 or anything (although I could then maybe be a model...Victoria Secret here I come!) but I want to be fit! I want to feel good instead of annoyed by my eating!  This is going to take work...a lot of work!  And I'm not sure if I will be up for work all of the time!  I'm not sure if I will want to eat some what healthy...or if I will want to drink water that is actually a frozen block of ice!  I do know that I feel better after I work out!  I do know that I am less tired when I'm eating healthy and working out!  I do know that it's more fun to talk about working out...then workout is me walking to the fridge from the couch!

So, this is day 1! After I get off work, I will go home...and drink a big glass of water!  I will workout and get my groove on!  I'm ready to be on this path!  I'm ready to be feeling hot in 6 weeks time!  I will take my measurements and try to post them!  Even though that makes me nervous...

One more thing before I exit this blog:
I'm posting stuff on here for me!  If I post my measurements, my weight, what I'm doing right, what I'm doing's all for me!  It's not for anyone to judge me or think "you are skinny...why are you trying to lose weight?" Or any other reasons that we might think in our mean little heads (I have thought mean stuff before) no judging!  If you want to join in, please do!  It will be fun!  If you don't...then don't!

Let's work together!  Yahoo!!!

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