Friday, April 4, 2014

Near Death Experience

So, Wednesday started off as a weird day.  I got up like normal, got ready like normal, was running a few minutes behind like normal.  Nothing was different.  I made hot chocolate, since it was rainy and cold outside.  And I'm getting into my car, trying to juggle my purse, my bag, my hot chocolate, and an umbrella.  Did I mention that it was pouring down rain?  I mean pouring pouring!  Not was a hard rain!  And I spill my hot chocolate on my pants!  It's all over the tops of my thighs, enough so that I need to go change my pants!  Arg!!!  So, back upstairs I went...changed my pants and now I'm running late!

So, I'm on the highway, going 65, and it's pouring...and I'm late!  When my tires did a little out of control thing.  I slowed down to 60, got over into the right lane and continued on my way.  When my tires did a little out of control thing again.  Only this time it turned into me spinning out on the highway!

I did 3-4 360's on the highway.  Veering off the highway and into the ditch that is the medium.  I kept spinning almost going up on to the North bound traffic.  So I slam my brakes on.  No way in hell am I going up into on coming traffic!  And I finally stop!  All of the lights on my dashboard are on.  I can smell burnt rubber from my tires, and it's still pouring down rain.  I quickly turn my car off and think, please turn back on!  I can't afford a new car right now!  Come on Franny!  So, I turn it back on and it starts.  The lights on the dash turn off, and I start driving toward the other side of the highway.  I see a makeshift road- one used to illegally turn around.  I go to it, realizing that it's mud...not an actual road.  Once again I think to myself, come on!  If I survived that unscathed only to get stuck in the mud...I would just die!  But, Franny once again made it through.  I waited until there was a break in the traffic...and I went!  I'm not going to lie, my ankle did not want to push down on the gas pedal!  But it finally did and I drove myself to school!  I was fine!  My car looked like it went off roading, but it's doing great!  Ha ha ha!

I was telling people what happened and they were shocked!  I was so calm and was laughing about it!  Until that night!  Curt was driving us home and it was raining again.  Not like it was in the morning, but it freaked me out.  We couln't see the lines on the highway!  We got home and I told Curt, it wasn't your was just this morning's thing and then with the rain.  I said, I don't feel like I could be that lucky twice in one day!

So, that was my near death experience!

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