Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm not prepared!

So, I like to be prepared!  When I meet someone, when I sing, when I audition...and when I choreograph!

Yesterday was not a good day for that!  I did bring bread, peanut butter, and marshmallow fluff to have for either lunch or dinner.  Or maybe even 1/2 a sandwich for each...but it did not work out that way.  I ate Dirt Dessert for both lunch and dinner!  Well you all can guess how that made me feel.  NOT GOOD!  I felt slightly sick from so much sweets...and then bad for eating so poorly!  Dang it!

Then I went to Ford to work for a few hours and realized that I forgot the dance that I choreographed!  I had it all written out!  Not Prepared!  So, I had to quickly type it out again and hope that I did correctly!  Then trying to get the music from my email to my computer took some time!  Why didn't I do this this past weekend?  Because I wasn't prepared!

Then I pull up to rehearsal last night, my first rehearsal for the show!  With these people...and adults!  And I'm supposed to take roll!  What?  I have never been in charge charge before!  I was the only staff member there.  It was nuts!  So, once again I was unprepared!

It only gets worse...

I pull up to the rehearsal and I see adults...tonight we are doing Candy Man...there aren't any adults.  No folks, I'm not kidding...I had choreographed to the wrong number.  So, I am talking aka apologizing over and over because my first impression is not going well (at least that is how I feel).  I'm choreographing on the spot!  I am feeling so terrible!  I'm just out of it!  Arg!  And I don't know the song...where the words are...what the rhythm is...oh my goodness...Amy get your act together!

So, the first 10 minutes were rough!  Then it got better!

I'm trying a new thing with my choreography!  Hard is not always good and cool is not always good!  So, I'm taking a more simple route!  I tend to choreograph more towards "so you think you can dance"- not that my choreography is that good...but I just tend to do harder stuff and then am disapointed when the kids can't do it.  Or I want the kids to like the dance so I make it "cool", but cool can look really messy and be really hard!  Then I'm disappointed that the kids can't do it.

So, we are going simple and fun!  And last nights dance was simple and fun!  They did a great job!  We had some laughs and we finished the whole thing!  The dancers got a break while I did a cool and easy weave thing with the cooks.  Then the cooks got a break while the dancers had a little showcase part!  It was great!  And the best part is that we finished the dance!

So, tonight I'm much more prepared!  I have the dance down on paper, it's in my bag, and I'm ready to teach it!  I should start telling everyone to look at their calendar...because it might change...or be different from what is in your head!  Ha ha ha!

Today is going way better than yesterday!  Happy Tuesday folks...

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