Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wow...I'm so dramatic!

Oh little things in life, why must you torture me?  Why must you try to all pile on top of my shoulders and try to take me out?  You all suck!  But, for the record...I'm going to keep on getting back up again!  Dramatic?  Yes!  True?  Also yes!

My anxiety in the form of a choking feeling is getting less and less...until the last two weeks...which it was rough at school, my schedule was really rough, and overall...I just felt so overwhelmed!  But hopefully it will be calming down!

Crazy school stuff for the middle school- everything for the packet has been ordered!  As soon as it's all here, I will start stuffing the envelopes!  No need to worry about getting that done!

Crazy CYT stuff- I have one more dance to choreograph...and then it's smooth sailing!  Plus, with the end in sight...and a vacation right after...I should be golden!

Crazy BVMS- who am I kidding, that school is great!  The show is about 3 weeks away!  I'm ready for it to be over, but I'm not actively going to those rehearsals any more...due to my other shows!

Crazy Rockhurst- I have been going for a few weeks and it's been great!  Some of the stuff (aka blocking) is a bit hard, and I'm not sure the director has a clear idea as too what she that is a bit hard...but over all...I am having a blast!

Crazy school school- good news- if I pass my current class, I will get into the M of A program!  This is a huge relief.  I was stressing a bit with not knowing how that will work!  The class itself while all the time wasting is a bit buggy...over all it's fun and I think I will enjoy myself!  Tomorrow I will start filming for my first project!  I'm excited!

At some point, I might get to see my husband!  Ha ha ha...not easy, but it's all coming down to a close in the next few weeks!  And once again...a vacation following the closing of 2 shows is going to be amazing!!!

So, little things in can suck it!  I'm going to keep getting back up...and you can deal with it!  Mic drop- drama out!

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