Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wah Wah days...they suck!

Do you ever have one of those wah wah days?  Yesterday I had's almost as if I knew getting up yesterday morning that it was going to be a wah wah kind of day!  I was tired...and already cranky!  It just wasn't a great morning.

My solution?  Get my free Starbucks...I was trying to save that for a special occasion, but I felt like I really needed it!  So, I got my Venti Latte...which I never get!  With extra syrup!  And it did nothing for me.  Last week I had a small campfire mocha coffee from Carribou Coffee and I was bouncing off the walls all day!  I mean I was just as happy as a clam and soooooooo hyper!  But not yesterday!  Giant latte, extra sweets, and.....there was nothing!

Then I started thinking about money- which if you know me...or you have read a few of my blogs...put me in even more of a funk!  And then everything- a kid needing something, a parent phone call, alphabetizing...even Curt...everything was making me cranky!  The only thing saving me was talking with my sister and my friend!

I got home, cleaned the kitchen (which never takes as long as it does in my head), and went up to school to start editing my video!

I have a few thoughts about why I was so cranky and why I have been so tired...

1. Maybe I'm pregnant- I hear you get really tired.  Which is how I feel.  And if I'm not preggo- being pregnant tired is going to really suck!  Ha ha ha!  Also the crazy mood swings- happy one day, cranky the next...that could be a sign.

Even though that would be fun,

1.5- My period is around the corner...which would explain things as well...

No one thinks that is fun...however I did find out today that one of my co-workers has been having a weird period for the last few months.  I said I wonder if your body is trying to sync with mine.  I have been off the pill for the last couple of months...things like that are very fascinating to me!  Is that weird?  It sounded weird...

Oh well, I think the actual reason is...

2. I'm sick.  I think my body is trying to fight a bad cold & conscience/sub conscience stress.  I have had a semi-sore throat for the past 5 days, I'm tired, I can't get out of bed in the morning.  I am wanting to eat comfort foods all the time.  The good news is...if it's a cold I don't mind just being tired.  I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can.  I need to drink more water and eat better...those things I can do!

So, today I'm going to try to be good.  Drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and try to get in a workout at least 4 times a week.  That is the goal!  I can do that, be healthier for I only have 18 days until I'm in Florida!  And I want to look good for that!!!  And I have 17 more days until my shows are the stress will be melting away!

No more wah wah days for me!  At least that is the goal!

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