Monday, February 2, 2015

68 days- am I talking too much wedding?

Okay, if I really start thinking about things we need to get done...I might start feeling a bit overwhelmed!  So, my goal?  Is to not really think about it.  Ha ha ha!  Just kidding- my goal is to check off the list one thing at a time!

Some of the good news- I have had several people offer to help!  People have always offered to help, but that sometimes goes away when you hear how busy everyone is...and you get a feeling that you don't want to bother people!  So, I just do things on my own!  But as you can see, my list keeps getting longer and longer...instead of shorter and shorter.  Ha ha ha!

I'm trying to be positive and to keep calm- which over all I am doing pretty well.  I think once some of my other stuff goes ends, then it will really be fine!  It's just a lot to think about!  Okay- here is the list!

As of February 2 here is the current list: crap- 2 more things added and nothing taken off!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- This needs to be done (or most of it done by next week!)
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards
5.  Guest Book
6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015- go check out tennis shoes
7.  Gifts (Bridesmaids are somewhat done- Groomsmen are not)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th?  After Bridal shower with Celia?
9.  Put Table Numbers Together- with B.J. & Kylie in February

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Muisc
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- called and left a message
16. Ball Conference Center- Friday Availability- called and left a message
17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal
22. Passport- Printed off paperwork and will hopefully work on this- this week.
23. Talk about the Cake
24. What are the Groomsmen wearing????

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