Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Monday!

Today is a Monday.  It's one of those Monday's that make people say "I hate Monday's"...or "You have a case of the Monday's".  Normally, Monday's are okay for me.  They aren't terrible, but they aren't great either!

But today is one of those Monday's.  First off, I woke up feeling as if I was getting a cold.  This is most annoying because I had a bad allergy/sinus thing a few weeks ago.  That is buggy to be "sick" twice in 2 weeks.  This time, I can feel it in my chest.  Which is where Sarah said she was feeling it on Saturday.  Wah Wah!  I usually think that whenever I get a chance to relax...and the weather is changing...I get sick!  Luckily for me, I don't get to relax often.  Ha ha ha!

So, I woke up not feeling well.  I did get ready and leave on time (it helped that I made my lunch last night...I have got to get better at that).  It's already been crazy at school this morning- and it's only 8:10.

Tonight it's dress rehearsal until 6:30 and then a meeting at 7pm.  While I'm excited to see everyone, because they are my of right now I just want to go home and curl up into a heavy/warm blanket!  Have I mentioned yet that it's raining out?  I mean, it looks like it's night time still.  Just real stay in bed weather!

But, I'm here...trying to stay positive (I'm failing at the moment) and I will deal with today!  I will make it through and I will be fine!

On a happier note, we found the bridesmaids dresses this weekend!!!  Yahoo!  Now that we have that color, we can go from there!  We can get the fabric for the flowers...and we can do all sorts of decorating with that one color!  Yahoo!!!

Okay, I'm out for the moment!  Bye!

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