Friday, December 19, 2014

Be aware and safe this holiday season!

Holiday Warning
Look there are things that are stressful during this holiday season.  For me, it's money!  I mean, money is always stressing me out!

Here is the thing, it's the holiday's and we can't let these type of things stress us out.  Not the little things at least...that will all be okay!

Here is why I'm warning you all!

Last night, I went and bought a few more things for the wedding!  I bought a few more gifts, and I bought dinner for Curt and myself.  When I was buying dinner one of my cards got declined (I knew there had to be money on it...I had just gotten paid.  Oh well, I will check when I get home.)  So I used my other card.  Then I started to panic about how much I have been spending!  It's been so much!  With the wedding and then Christmas!  I mean, I feel a little out of control!

So, I pull up to a stop sign...getting more and more annoyed with my spending.  The guy in front of me goes.  Then I pull forward.  Look at the car across from me and think "Hey buddy, you were here first, but if you aren't going to go...then I will"

And because I was distracted by this little thing called money...which in the big scheme of things is so not important.  I went ahead and went.  What I didn't see was the guy coming from my left.  Being distracted I had forgotten that it wasn't a 4-way stop.  Only a 2 way stop.  And the guy across from me was waiting for the car to pass before going.

I am lucky!  The other driver was paying attention!  I'm lucky that they weren't on their phone or worried about money.  I would be worried about a lot more today if they had been distracted like me!  They honked, slowed down, I sped up!  And I was so mad at myself!  I wanted to pull over and cry!  I wanted to follow the other person and say "I'm sorry" and "thank you for not being distracted"!  But I didn't!  I drove home angry with myself (yet paying attention) and saying things's not that important!  Money is not that important!  Just be a little more conservative...or don't go out to eat so much!

So, this holiday season...relax!  Enjoy the time you have with your family and friends!  Don't let the little things get you down!  This is the time for hope, love, and excitement over the future!  Pay attention when you need too!  Don't be stupid!  And spread love everywhere you go!  You never know what the other person has been through!

Thank you to the other person who was driving and to my guardian angel who was there protecting me!

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